Saturday, March 31, 2007

Vice President Al Gore explains how to help fight global warming

The clip below is from an interview with former Vice President Al Gore where he explains how we as individuals can respond in a positive way to reduce global warming. His strongest message I think is that we each and all have a moral obligation to do so.

Also do not miss Al Gore's website Climate Crisis where you can CALCULATE YOUR PERSONAL IMPACT to see how much CO2 you produce and get suggestions on how to reduce this and go carbon neutral.

Friday, March 30, 2007

The EarthEchoes blog has gone carbon neutral

EarthEchoes has gone carbon neutral and so can you. is a nonprofit organization that helps individuals and organizations go carbon neutral/free. It is a great way to make your mark on the environment and it does not cost a lot. Check out their website and join them today! has this to say about themselves: is a nonprofit organization that educates the public about the dangers of climate change and makes it easy and affordable for individuals, businesses and organizations to reduce their climate impact. We are reducing the threat of climate change by promoting low-cost carbon reductions and supporting renewable energy, energy efficiency and reforestation projects that reduce and offset carbon dioxide emissions.

Our Goals:
  • a cleaner, safer and more prosperous world for our generation and future generations
  • to promote easy, cost effective solutions to climate change, encouraging people to “reduce what you can, offset what you can not”
  • to help make carbon offsets, green power and Zero Carbon a normal way of life for every individual and business

Please join them today!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Online Activism, it works!

Anbarasi has recently sent me an e-mail telling me about her experiences with online activism and how YOU can also help influence decision makers to take a pro-environment view by going online. She writes:

"Online activism quite works, recently I got a very positive letter from one of the governments, a very personalised letter as I personalised my petition. Infact I am glad that it WORKS".

WWF has some very good suggestions on how to be effective with online activism. Please check out this link for some good suggestions: Tips for effective activism

And do keep in mind that nature conservation and the environment are no longer local issues only, but rather global concerns. What happens to the environment in India, Norway or Russia concerns YOU whether you are from these countries or a completely different part of the world. Therefore, if there is something that you feel strongly about in another country you should get involved regardless and petition the government to change its policies. WWF has several online campaigns going that you can take part in. Have a look at their website and pick at least one campaign that you want to help out by petitioning online. WWF Worldwide Campaigns

Also check out 1-EARTH's "Action Alert of the Month" at the top right corner of the blog for ongoing online environmental campaigns featured by 1-EARTH.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Link of the Month: "Bio Da Versity Code"

Help Robert Penguin and Sophie Minnow crack the Bio Da Versity Code. The latest animated movie from Free Range Studios (the makers of The Meatrix series).

This is one of the most entertaining ways of getting the message of biodiversity and nature conservation across that I have seen anywhere. To learn more about the movie and how to take action visit: The Bio Da Versity Code.