Thursday, March 16, 2006

10 ways you can help the environment.

There are many ways you can help the environment and reduce heat trapping emissions. I have found this excellent website by the Union of Concerned Scientists. The website lists ten areas in which an individual can have a major impact in helping reduce the global warming impact. They are:

1. The car you drive: the most important personal climate decision.
2. Choose clean power.
3. Look for Energy Star.
4. Unplug a freezer.
5. Get a home energy audit.
6. Light bulbs matter.
7. Think before you drive.
8. Buy good wood.
9. Plant a tree.
10. Let policymakers know you are concerned about global warming.

Not of all of these are equally applicable to where you might live, but there may be other ways that you can think of to supplement these 10 ways.

Please go visit: Ten ways you can help the environment for a more detailed description of what you can do to help care for our global home.

The websites also has a lot MORE great information on the environment. It is a great resource for those interested in learning more about the environment and how we can change our thinking and lifestyle to positively effect the global climate and environment. As a resource I would rate it ten out of ten!

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